Q: How can I find my favorite television or radio station?
A: Click on the state where your station is located or do a search of our site from the homepage. We currently have stations listed covering all 50 states
plus Washington, DC.
Q: What do I need in order to listen to and view broadcasts from my computer or portable device?
A: Several multimedia player applications are available including Windows Media Player, RealPlayer, VLC Media Player, GOM Player and 5KPlayer. Instructions and system requirements can be found on these sites.
Q: The video and/or audio I am attempting to stream is loading slowly or keeps freezing. What should I do?
A: This is most likely caused by a slow Internet connection or browser cache issue. Clearing your browser cache should help but if the problem persists, contact your Internet Service Provider.
Q: Why are some stations no longer broadcasting live over the Internet?
A: Due to continuing uncertainty over rights issues related to the streaming of certain video and radio broadcast programming over the Internet, including issues regarding demands for additional fees for the streaming of recorded music and radio commercials, some stations have decided to at least temporarily disable their streaming.